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The Plantar Fascia is a fibrous band of tissue that runs from the heel bone to the base of each toe. It is made up of mostly collagen which makes it very flexible and able to withstand significant force. The Plantar Fascia are particularly important in our gait or walking cycle as it supports the arch on the inside of your foot (medial longitudinal arch) and provides stability where the midfoot and the ball of your foot (forefoot) are under high load. 

Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of the Plantar Fascia itself. There are many risk factors that contribute to overall risk but some of the more common factors include repetitive, weight-bearing activities, a sudden increase in physical activity, being overweight, poor movement patterns or tightness and weakness of the ankle muscles and wearing shoes with poor cushioning and support. Any activity that increases the stretch of the Plantar Fascia can produce pain and some examples include walking barefoot on hard surfaces and even climbing up stairs. Usually, one experiences pain with the first steps in the morning or after long periods of non-weight-bearing. An highly specialised orthosis or our Swiss engineered footbed “brings the floor up to the foot” and decreases the demand on key musculature. This combined with exercise can produce reduce pain and create an improvement of activities of daily living. 




Morton’s Neuroma is a condition where there is thickening of tissue around the common nerves running to the toes, despite not having any physical signs. This entrapment of the nerve or thickening can lead to pain and discomfort in the region of your forefoot and even affect your ability to perform certain activities. Morton’s Neuroma usually develops between the third and fourth metatarsals, or toes. The exact cause is unknown but entrapment due to compression or squeezing of the common plantar nerves can trigger swelling and cause abnormal tissue growth in and around the nerve. This presents as a persistent or sharp pain in the ball of the foot and it can even spread into the toes as a numbness or tingling, particularly during weight-bearing activities such as running or walking. This pain can be likened to having a pebble stuck under your forefoot while walking. 

Problems with footwear, such as high-heeled shoes, are common as tight, narrow shoes cause aggravation due to compressing the bones in the toes and pinching the plantar nerves. A traditional, specialised orthotic arch support can be beneficial. Our footbed includes a tear-shaped metatarsal which is positioned underneath the two affected metatarsals. This is positioned to assist in splaying the metatarsal bones, or the toes, and this creates more space for the nerve so as to relieve pressure and irritation. Our original and top-performing Kara Boot is a wider fit and it was created to have that perfect blend of comfort and fashion.



Peripheral Neuropathy is either dysfunction or damage in the peripheral nerves in those with Diabetes. Neuropathies are a progressive loss of nerve fibre function. This is a common symptom of Diabetes Mellitus - Type I and II - where one’s blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range. This can be problematic as high blood sugar damages the nerves and blood vessels in the feet. This can vary in severity but typical symptoms are numbness, tingling and pain, weakness that can develop into a foot-drop, and ultimately a loss of sensation in the feet. The degeneration starts in the foot and spreads up the leg as the condition worsens.

It is important to take good care of your feet, and choose your shoes wisely. Ensure that you purchase the correct size shoe as an incorrect size can cause blisters and calluses. Start by choosing shoes that have a spacious toe box so your toes have enough space as a narrow toe box can lead to problems listed above. It is recommended to avoid high-heels, flip-flops or sandals with tight straps as this can cause blisters. It is best to avoid walking barefoot as, depending on the severity of the numbness, one could injure oneself and not even realise it. This doesn’t mean that you need to be limited in your shoes choice because here, at Dromedaris, we have a style for everyone and comfort never goes out of style.